Privacy Policy

Your privacy when you shop with is important to us with regard to the protection of your personal data. This privacy policy (“the Policy”), explains how we collect, process, use, store and disclose your personal data, as well as your rights associated with that data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

When we mention "", "we", "us" or "our" in this privacy Policy, we are referring to the relevant entity in responsible for processing your data. is the data controller for the purposes of this Policy which is issued on behalf of all brands and entities within We offer a range of travel services, including vehicle booking services and Dine&Stay with Holiday Plus with hotels programme. We refer to all of these products, together with our other services and websites as "Services" in this policy.

We also use a network of independent agents and licensees when providing our services around the world. Please note that those agents and licensees are not covered by this Policy and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of any agent, licensee or other third party with whom you may transact before or at the same time as using our products or services.

This Privacy Policy covers the personal information we collect about you unless a different policy is displayed. If you do not agree with this policy, do not access or use our Services or our website or interact with any other aspect of our business.

This policy is intended to help you understand: 1. The personal information we collect about you 2. How we use the personal information we collect 3. How we share the personal information collected 4. How we store and secure collected information 5. How to access and control your personal information 6. How we transfer internationally collected personal information 7. Other important privacy information 8. Additional data protection provisions

1. The personal information we collect about you

We collect personal data through various means, including when you directly input information into our services or products, such as when you post, send, or share content or provide it to us by other means. We collect information when it is provided to us by other sources. See all

1a. Account and profile information
We gather personal information from you in several instances, such as when you register for an account, update your profile, adjust preferences, or initiate searches or bookings through our Services. Additionally, we maintain records of your preferences as you configure settings within the Services.
Regarding personal information provided through our products: We collect such data when you start inputting search or booking details, or when you interact with our customer service representatives including:
  • first name, last name,
  • username or similar identifier
  • For each proposed vehicle driver:
    • Date of birth
    • Driver’s licence number and expiration dated
    • Age
    • Address
    • Country of residence
  • Telephone number
  • Email
  • Payment details – e.g., credit or debit card

1b. Personal information you provide through our websites
Our Services encompass our websites, both owned and operated by us including social media or social networking platforms. Through these websites, we gather additional personal information that you submit. For instance, you share personal information with us when offering feedback, engaging in interactive features, surveys, contests, prize draws, promotional activities, or events.

1c. Personal information you provide through our support channels
Our Services extend to encompass customer support, where you have the option to submit information regarding any issues you encounter with a Service. Whether you communicate directly with one of our representatives or engage with our support team through other channels, we will request contact information along with a brief summary of the problem and any additional relevant details to aid in resolving the issue.
Your payment information will be shared with one of our third-party payment providers, who will handle your transaction and associated payment details in line with their respective privacy policies.

1d. Payment details
Information we collect automatically when you use the services We gather specific payment and billing details when you make a booking or inquiry in order to:
  1. Perform fraud checks and investigations to authenticate the proposed transaction and payment method, both prior to and following booking confirmation.
  2. Process charges and/or confirm successful payment and booking confirmation.
Your payment information will be shared with one of our third-party payment providers, who will handle your transaction and associated payment details in line with their respective privacy policies.

1e. Information automatically collect when you use the Services
When you use our services including browsing and other actions on our sites the following personal information is automatically collected
See all
1e.i. Usage data
Which includes information about how you use our website, social media channels, products and services. This information comprises the functionalities you use, the hyperlinks you select, and commonly employed search phrases. The data we gather regarding your use of the Services is confined to clickstream data of your interactions with the features within the Services, along with content-related information as detailed in the above section titled “Information you provide through our products”

1e.ii. Device and connection information
We gather details about the devices you use to access our Services, like your computer, phone, or tablet. This includes your connection type and settings. Additionally, we collect information about your device such as its operating system, browser type, IP address, and unique identifiers. We may use your IP address or country preference to estimate your location for a more tailored Service experience. The amount of information collected depends on the type and settings of the device you’re using

1e.iii. Cookies and other tracking
We and our third-party partners, use cookies and other tracking technologies (like pixels, web beacons and device identifiers) to provide functionality and identify you across various Services and devices. For further details, please refer to our Cookies and Tracking Notice, where you can find information on how to manage or opt out of these cookies and tracking technologies

1f. Information we receive from other sources
We receive personal information about you from several sources, including other users of the Service, third-party services, affiliated companies, and business and channel partners.
See all
Other users of the service
Users of our Services may share information about you when they submit content through the platform. This could include details such as your name, date of birth, address, driver's license information, contact details, email address and information about your travel plans (such as dates and locations). They may provide this information when adding you to a booking or inviting you to the Services. If you haven't consented to your information being shared by another user, please inform us promptly.

Services you link to your account
When you connect a third-party service to our platform, we receive information about you. For instance, if you register or sign in to our Services using your Facebook account, we receive your name and email address, as authorized by your Google or Facebook profile settings, to verify your identity. The data we receive during this linking process depends on the settings, permissions, and privacy policy managed by the third-party service. It's important to review the privacy settings and notices provided by these third-party services to comprehend what information may be shared with us or accessed by our Services.

Our Partners
We collaborate with a worldwide network of partners to market and promote our products, generate leads, and resell our services. In this partnership, we exchange information such as completed bookings referred from their sites, billing details, contact information, and your country location data.

Other Partners
We receive information about you and your engagements both within and outside of our Services from third-party partners. These partners include advertising and market research firms who furnish us with data regarding your interest in and interaction with our Services and online advertisements

2. How we use the personal information we collect

The personal information we gather is contingent on the Services you use, your usage patterns and any preferences you've shared with us. Our main objective in collecting your personal data is to facilitate a seamless and efficient booking process for you. This enables us to tailor our services to your requirements and ensure a swift and hassle-free experience.
Below, we outline more details about the specific purposes for which we employ the personal information we collect about you. See all

2a. To provide the Services and personalize your experience
Your personal information is used to deliver our Services to you, which includes processing transactions, authenticating your login, and offering customer support. Additionally, we combine your personal data with your activities to offer a matched experience customized to your interests. This may involve enabling you to access information from one Service while using another, tailoring content, presenting relevant offers or product information as you navigate our websites. We may also compare your personal data with aggregated historical usage patterns of similar customer categories to make recommendations, such as suggesting items frequently purchased by customers like you.

2b. For research and development
We're dedicated to improving our Services by analysing aggregated usage data and direct feedback. This helps us troubleshoot, refine, personalize and improve the user experience. By identifying trends and usage patterns, we enhance features, content relevance, and product suggestions. We also conduct testing with select users before rolling out new features to all users

2c. To communicate information on the Services
Your contact information is used to send essential transactional communications via email and within the Services. This includes your booking confirmation, payment reminders, responding to your inquiries, providing customer support, and sending notices.
These communications are integral to the Services, and in most cases, opting out isn't possible. However, if an opt-out option is available, you'll find it within the communication itself or in your account settings.
Additionally, we send communications to assist you in getting acquainted with a Service as you onboard, aiming to enhance your proficiency. Or, if you initiate a search or booking but do not complete it, we may use that information to follow up with you via phone or email regarding your inquiry.

2d. To market and promote the Services
We use your contact and usage information to tailor promotional communications for you and similar groups, and to display our ads on other platforms like Facebook and Google. These communications aim to enhance your experience with the Services, including providing information on deals we think you'll like.
If you opt in, we'll also send you new offers, promotions, and contests via email and SMS.

2e Customer Services
We use your personal information to address any issues you may encounter, respond to your help requests and improve the quality of our Services.

2f. For safety and security
We use personal information regarding you and your usage of the Service to verify accounts and activities, monitor for suspicious or fraudulent behaviour, and identify any violations of Service policies

2g. To protect our legitimate business interests and legal rights
When mandated by law or when we deem it essential to safeguard our legal rights, interests, and the interests of others, we use information about you for legal claims, compliance, regulatory, and audit purposes. Additionally, we may disclose this information in relation to the acquisition, merger, or sale of a business.

2h. With your consent
We use information about you when you've granted us consent for a specific purpose not outlined above. For instance, with your permission, we may publish testimonials or feature customer stories to promote the Services. You retain the right to withdraw this consent at any time.

3. How we share the personal information collected

To complete your booking, we may share your information with our suppliers. Additionally, we disclose personal data to third-party partners who assist us in various aspects of operating, improving, and marketing our services. These parties may include: See all

3a. Our Partners
We work with a global network of partners for marketing, promoting and improving our products. This includes providing consulting, sales, lead generation, and product enhancement services. Your information may be shared with these partners for activities such as marketing, promotions, and as outlined in our agreements with them.
If you make a booking on a version of our site operated by us under the brand of one of our marketing partners ("Marketing Partner Site"), we will process your information as per our terms. However, if you opt in to receive marketing communications while booking on a Marketing Partner Site, your contact details will be shared with the relevant marketing partner whose brand is displayed on the site. In such cases, the marketing partner will send you email or SMS communications based on your consent, and to manage your preferences or update your information, you'll need to contact that marketing partner directly.

3b. Service providers
We work with third-party service providers for various services such as website development, hosting, storage, payment processing, and analysis and other services. These providers may need access to your information to fulfil their duties and when they do they operate under our strict guidance and adhere to policies and procedures aimed at safeguarding your data.

3c. Travel and Insurance providers
The Services enable you to make bookings for travel services (e.g., vehicle or hotel rental) directly with third party travel providers. The Services also enable you to purchase insurance in respect of a travel service directly from a third-party insurance provider. In these cases, you will have a contract directly with the third-party travel provider and/or insurance provider.
We will share your personal information to:
(i) your selected third-party travel provider in connection with a booking you make via the Services
(ii) our third-Party insurance provider, in connection with an insurance purchase by you.
Third party travel providers and insurance providers will process your personal information for their own purposes subject to their own privacy policies which they will make available to you. This may be different to how handles your personal information as set out in this policy.

3d. Affiliated companies
We share personal information with affiliated entities as part of our global operations. In the event of a merger, sale of assets, financing, or acquisition, we may share or transfer information. If such a transaction occurs, you'll be notified via email or a notice on the Services, and you'll be provided with choices regarding your information.
We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties.

3e. Compliance with enforcement requests & applicable Laws; enforcement of our rights
In exceptional cases, we may share your information with a third party if we believe it's reasonably necessary to:
  1. comply with the law, legal processes, or governmental requests, including national security requirements
  2. enforce our agreements, policies, and terms of service
  3. safeguard the security or integrity of our products and services
  4. protect us, our customers, or the public from harm or illegal activities
  5. respond to emergencies where disclosure is necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury.

3f. With your consent
We share information about you with third parties including partners and resellers, when you provide consent. For instance, we may display personal testimonials from satisfied customers on our public websites and with your consent, post your name alongside the testimonial.

4. How we store and secure collected information

See all

4a. Information storage and security
Our secure booking server employs encryption to maintain industry-standard levels of security. This is indicated by the padlock icon in the closed position at the bottom of your browser screen. Any data, including credit card details, entered and submitted on this page is encrypted and securely transmitted. After your transaction is completed, your information is stored in an encrypted state. All information transmitted on the booking page is protected using Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2.

4b. Transaction security
Our secure booking server employs encryption to maintain industry-standard levels of security. This is indicated by the padlock icon in the closed position at the bottom of your browser screen. Any data, including credit card details, entered and submitted on this page is encrypted and securely transmitted. After your transaction is completed, your information is stored in an encrypted state. All information transmitted on the booking page is protected using Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2.

4c. How long we keep information
4c.i Account information
We keep your account data while active and for a reasonable period afterward. Some information is retained for legal compliance, dispute resolution, and to support business operations. We anonymize data used for improving Services.
To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means and the applicable legal requirements.
4c.ii Marketing information
Marketing preferences and data from cookies are retained for a reasonable period from your last interaction. We keep information derived from cookies and other tracking technologies for a reasonable period from the date such information was created.
Any other personal data will be retained for business purposes and meeting legal requirements.
4c.iii Data deletion and depersonalisation
Once personal data is no longer needed, we securely destroy or de-identify it, unless prevented by law. If deletion isn't immediately feasible (e.g., due to being stored in backup archives), we securely store and isolate the information until deletion is possible.

5. How to access and control your personal information
You have certain choices available to you when it comes to your information. Below is a summary of those choices, how to exercise them and any limitations. Depending on relevant data protection laws, you may have additional rights which are described in the Additional Data Protection Provisions.
Your data subject rights
You have the following rights in relation to your personal data.
  • Access: You can request access to a copy of the personal data we hold about you.
  • Correction: You can request that any incomplete or inaccurate data we hold about you is corrected, though we may need to verify the accuracy of the new data you provide to us. Our Services allow you to access and update certain information about you from within the Service. For example, you can access your profile information from your account. You can update your profile information within your profile settings and modify content that contains information about you using the editing tools associated with that content.
  • Account deactivation: If you wish to stop using our Services, you can deactivate your account by contacting our Customer Service Team, whose details are available in the "Contact Us" section of our website. Please note that deactivating your account doesn't erase all your information; your personal data may still be visible to other users based on your past activity within the Services.
  • Erasure: you can ask us to delete or remove your personal data where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it, where you have successfully exercised your right to object to processing (see below), where we may have processed your information unlawfully or where we are required to erase your personal data to comply with local law. Note, however, that we may not always be able to comply with your request of erasure for specific legal reasons which will be notified to you, if applicable, at the time of your request.
  • Object to processing: where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and you believe our processing of your personal data impacts your fundamental rights and freedoms, you may object to such processing for direct marketing purposes. But this will not affect any processing that has already taken place at the time, in some cases, we may demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to process your information that override your rights and freedoms. . You can also opt-out of our use of your personal information for marketing purposes by contacting us, as provided
  • Restrict processing:you can ask us to suspend the processing of your personal data:
    a. if you want us to establish the data’s accuracy
    b. where our use of the data is unlawful but you do not want us to erase it
    c. where you need us to hold the data even if we no longer require it as you need it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
    d. you have objected to our use of your data but we need to verify whether we have overriding legitimate grounds to use it.
  • Data portability:you can request that your personal data is transferred to you or a third party. We will provide you or a third party you have chosen with your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. Note that this right only applies to automated information that you initially provided consent for us to use or where we used the information to perform a contract with you.
  • Withdraw consent: you may withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data. If you do so, we may not be able to provide certain products or services to you. We will advise you if that is the case when you withdraw your consent.
  • Opt out of communications: To stop receiving promotional communications from us, you can opt out using the unsubscribe link in each email, update your email preferences in your Service account settings, or contact us to remove your contact information from our promotional email list or registration database. Even if you opt out of promotional messages, you'll still receive transactional messages regarding our Services. You can also opt out of some notification messages in your account settings.
  • Turn off Cookies: Details regarding browser-based cookie controls are outlined in our Cookies and Tracking Notice.

6. How we transfer internationally collected personal information

We collect information worldwide and may transfer, process and store your data with affiliates in countries outside your residence. Our storage location is in the UK.
Additionally, we may transfer your data outside your residence to wherever our third-party service providers operate to provide you with the Services. We take measures to protect your data and ensure compliance with relevant data protection laws whenever we transfer your information

7. Other important privacy information

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7a. Links
The Services may contain links to other websites or services with privacy practices that differ from ours. Your use of and any information you submit to those third-party sites are subject to their privacy policies, not ours. For example. Dine&Stay with Holiday Plus hotel programme is run by Connex whose privacy policy can be found here. We recommend carefully reading the privacy policy of any website you visit.

7b. Third-Party Widgets
Some of our Services include widgets and social media features, like the Facebook "like" button. These features may collect your IP address, the page you're visiting on our Services, and may use cookies to function properly. They are hosted either by a third party or directly on our Services. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing them.
We're not responsible for the privacy or security practices of other organizations, which may differ from our policy.
If we're considered a joint controller with any third-party site, such as Facebook, the terms of the joint controllership arrangement are detailed on the third-party site.

7c. Our child policy
Our Services are not intended for individuals under 16 years of age. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16 without parental or guardian consent, unless permitted by applicable local laws. If we discover that information about a minor has been collected without appropriate consent, we will take measures to delete it. If you become aware of any instance where we have collected information about a minor without proper consent, please contact our support services.

7d. Changes to our Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to update this privacy policy periodically. Any changes will be posted on this page and significant changes will be notified via email. We recommend reviewing our privacy policy each time you use the Services to stay informed about our practices and how you can protect your privacy.
If you disagree with any changes to this privacy policy, you must discontinue using the Services and deactivate your account, as outlined above.

7e. Contact us
If you have questions or concerns about how your information is handled, please contact us at one of the following addresses:
AndrewO'[email protected]
Andrew O’Neil, Limited, 14 Hemmells, Laindon, Essex, SS15, England, UK.

8. Additional Protection Provisions

EU Data Protection Provisions
The following applies to you if you are based in the UK or the European Economic Area (EEA), and we act as a controller in the processing of your personal data. In case of any inconsistencies between this these provisions and the rest of this Policy, these provisions prevail See all

8a. Legal basis for data processing
We prioritize the protection and responsible handling of your personal information, adhering strictly to applicable laws and regulations. Our collection and processing of your data are governed by the following legal bases, tailored to the specific Services you utilize and how you engage with them:
  • Contractual Performance: We process your information as necessary to fulfil our contractual obligations in providing you with our Services. This includes essential functions such as operating the Services, delivering customer support, and ensuring the safety and security of our platform.
  • Legitimate Interests: Processing your information satisfies a legitimate interest, which is carefully balanced against any impact on your data protection rights.
  • Legal Obligation: We may process your information when required to comply with our legal obligations
  • Vital Interests: In situations demanding urgent action to protect your or another individual's vital interests, we may process your information as necessary.
  • Consent: Where required by law or where applicable, we will obtain your explicit consent before processing your Personal Information for a specific purpose.
In certain circumstances, we may also collect special category or sensitive information, justifying such collection based on:
  • Legal Obligation: When necessary to fulfil specific legal requirements.
  • Vital Interests: Processing may be carried out to safeguard vital interests where obtaining consent is not feasible.
  • Legal Claims: Processing may be necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
If none of the aforementioned legal bases apply to a particular instance of data processing, we will seek your consent before proceeding, with the assurance that you retain the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

8b. Individual rights
In addition to the rights outlined in this policy, you have the following rights regarding your personal information:
  • Right to Restrict Processing: You can request that we limit or restrict our processing of your personal information.
  • Right to Object: You have the right to object to our use of your personal information, including for marketing purposes.
  • Right to Deletion or Restriction: You can request the deletion or restriction of your personal information.
  • Right to Data Portability: You have the right to receive your personal information in a structured, electronic format, as described in the Data Portability section.
You can exercise some of these rights by accessing the settings available within the Services or your account. For all other requests, please contact us using the information provided in the 'Contact Us' section
Upon receiving your request, we will respond within 30 days. If there is any delay or dispute regarding our right to continue using your personal information, we will restrict any further processing of your information until the request is fulfilled or the dispute is resolved.
  • Please note that your request and choices may be subject to limitations in certain cases, such as when fulfilling your request would disclose information about another individual or if the information is required to be retained by law or for compelling legitimate interests.
  • If you have any unresolved concerns about the handling of your personal information, you may have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority in your country of residence, employment, or where you believe your rights have been violated. Details on how to contact your local data protection authority are provided below.

8c. Disclosure of information outside the EEA
To ensure the continuity of our services, it may be necessary for us to share your personal information with recipients in other jurisdictions, including our related entities or third-party service providers, such as data hosting providers located in the US.
When we disclose your personal information to recipients in other countries, we adhere to appropriate safeguards for cross-border data transfers, as mandated by applicable laws.
For transfers from the EEA (or the UK, as applicable) to non-EEA jurisdictions, including New Zealand and the US, we may rely on various mechanisms, including:
  • Adequacy Decision: We may rely on an adequacy decision issued by the European Commission for the destination country.
  • EU Model Clauses: We may use standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission for ensuring the protection of personal data during transfers.
  • Legal Basis for Processing: We may process your personal information based on the necessity to provide the requested services, ensuring appropriate safeguards for the transfer.
In cases where transfers involve countries lacking approval from the European Commission, we implement additional measures to protect your personal information. These measures may include:
  • EU Commission-Approved Model Contractual Clauses: We may incorporate standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission into our agreements with recipients.
  • Binding Corporate Rules: We may adopt binding corporate rules, subject to applicable legal requirements, to govern the transfer of personal data within our organization.
These measures are implemented to ensure the protection and security of your personal information during cross-border transfers, in compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations

8d. Data protection officer (DPO)
Email: Andrew O'Neil Limited, 14 Hemmells, Laindon, Essex, SS15 6ED

8.e Complaint to the Data Protection Authority
If you have any concerns or complaints about how we are collecting or processing your Personal Information, you can complain to your local data protection authority.
If you are in the EU, please follow this link to locate the data protection authority most relevant to you. Our Members | European Data Protection Board (

8.f. California Consumer Protection Provisions
The following provisions apply to you if are a California resident. In case of any inconsistencies between these provisions and the rest of this Policy, these provisions prevail. See all
Right to deletion
You can request the deletion of your personal information. Subject to the exceptions to the right to delete, and verification of the request, we will delete your information in accordance with your request. For all requests, you may contact us as provided in the Contact Us section above

8.g. People’s Republic of China provisions
These provisions (“China Addendum”) apply only if you are located in the People’s Republic of China (“China”). In case of any inconsistencies between this China Addendum and the rest of this Policy, this China Addendum prevails. For the purposes of this China Addendum, the People’s Republic of China does not include Hong Kong SAR or Taiwan. See all
Legal sensitive personal information
This includes but is not limited to your telephone number, national identification card number, email address, data concerning your physical and/or mental health, sexual orientation, religious or similar beliefs, and certain details about your use of our Technology IT Systems, such as your location, web-page browsing history, and content and record of your communications. This may be considered as sensitive personal information in accordance with applicable Chinese law and regulations. We will only use it for the purposes as stated in this policy and will take measures to ensure its security.
Sale of business
In the event of a sale, transfer, or any disposition of all or a part of our business or assets to a third party, such as through merger, acquisition, or liquidation, we may transfer any personal information in our possession. However, we will ensure that any such third party continues to adhere to this policy, including this China Addendum, or obtain your consent again prior to processing your personal information.
While we employ robust security measures, we cannot provide absolute assurance of the security of information transmitted online. In the unlikely event of a serious security breach, we are committed to promptly notifying you and fulfilling our obligations to report such incidents to the competent regulators in China as mandated by applicable laws.
Closure of Registered Account
If you wish to close an account registered with us, you can do so by accessing the Services and utilizing the available settings within your account, or alternatively, by contacting us directly-. We are dedicated to facilitating the closure process efficiently and respecting your decision regarding your account.